Product Information
To watch the images click here // Make an advance order click here // See general order information click here
The annually released xflo:w photo calendar is a large picture calendar measuring 74x52cm (29.1×20.5 inches) or 50x35cm (19.7×13.8 inches). Both calendar sizes become produced using the most up to date laser printing technology using liquid toner instead of classic dry toner. With 250g/m2 the paper quality is heavy duty preventing the paper from air moisture caused furling. The calendar gets shipped solely insured and non-rolled.
The calendar gets produced on demand, hence on advance order only. You can make your advance order by using the above linked contact form. The photos shown below are a sample what the final calendar looks like.

Photo calendar cover
Usually one photo calendar reflects the best travel photographs shot in a year. Beside technical aspects like a balanced colour and luminance character of course the motifs play an important role when it comes to selecting twelve images from thousands. Thematically one calendar shall provide a well-adjusted selection of cultural, scenic as well as nature images. Having a very strong focus on displaying a photograph full size, the calendar’s actual calendar table plays a minor role and is included for information only. The calendar table is researched to the best of knowledge, but I do not assume any liability for it.

Photo calendar example page
Important product information:
- The calendar is only available having German texts, captions, titles etc… Since it’s about the photo that shouldn’t be a problem and you can improve your German a little ;-)
- The photo calendar gets produced on demand. Making a pre-order and paying in advance is mandatory. Order without having received an advance payment will not become printed. This system protects me from printing calendars not becoming picked up and paid, and it also protects you from forgetting about something you have already paid for.
- The photo calendar is a handcrafted small batch series. It gets printed using high quality but low cost digital offset involving liquid instead of dry toner, which is unique in Germany.
- The light conditions at the place where the calendar will hang play an important role. For example day light makes the colour appear differently than diffuse office light does. Please remember that when putting the calendar on your wall.
- The sales price includes a donation, whose beneficiary I am selecting accurately. My basic philosophy is that donations shouldn’t disappear in overhead and administration or corruption, however that is not always controllable, hence I am not liable in any kind for the use of this donation.
- The calendar will be solely shipped insured. That protects both parties from trouble about money and product, as in particular the pre-Christmas time is a very busy time for parcel services.
- And please don’t forget: The xflo:w photo calendar is one of a kind and something that you cannot buy in giant book stores or in a super market. It is handcrafted and no mass production.